Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Chance and Choice

The thoughts behind Chance and Choice

Two trips I took, Cambodia in 2010 and India in 2011, inspired the art that I made in 2011. I am currently working on a book, Chance and Choice, about these paintings.

The first in the series is One at a Time, oil on 4 canvases, each 8" x 10"

In Cambodia, I photographed two little girls in a small village that
didn’t have a school. While at home, looking at the photos, I
thought about how their lives could change if they had
education. But the choice wasn’t there for them, because of
the lack of a school. I painted One at a Time to symbolize the
that change is possible even if it’s only to help one person at a

If you want to see more of my art, please check out my website
or make an appointment to visit me at my studio
Industrial Center Building Studio 330B
480 Gate 5 Road, Sausalito, CA

1 comment:

  1. I love the simplicity of these images and the story they represent. As I look through your site, I see the further use of what could be old family photographs of which only you can know the history. They make me want to know more and, at the same time, make me go into my own past to find answers -allegorical. I look forward to seeing your new book. I am pleased to be the first commenter and member of this restfully simple and lovely blog.
