Friday, December 23, 2011

Chance and Choice Part 3

On the Ganges, I saw two children running from boat to boat. My
initial feeling was that they were in danger, but as I continued
to watch their surefootedness, and the attention all the other
boaters were giving them, I realized they were safe and
enjoying themselves with a freedom that I envied. From these
events, I painted my current series, exploring how chance and
choice affects everyone’s place in the world. The chance of
where you are born and the choices you have as you grow.

Mixed Media on Birch Panel
8" x 10"

If you want to see more of my art, please check out my website

or make an appointment to visit me at my studio
Industrial Center Building Studio 330B
480 Gate 5 Road, Sausalito, CA
Please contact me at

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