Monday, December 26, 2011

Chance and Choice - Possibilities

This painting was composed using three different photos I took on my trip to India: an older woman who seemed beat down by life, a young girl in a small town in northern India, with many of life's possibilities ahead of her, and a woman doing a hand stand in front of the Taj Mahal, symbolizing a world of possibilities.

The window of the train separates the older woman from the two with more abundant possibilities. Or perhaps it is the young girl looking in at a mirror of a potential future self.


Oil on canvas
30" x 40"

If you want to see more of my art, please check out my website

or make an appointment to visit me at my studio
Industrial Center Building Studio 330B
480 Gate 5 Road, Sausalito, CA
Please contact me at

Friday, December 23, 2011

Chance and Choice Part 3

On the Ganges, I saw two children running from boat to boat. My
initial feeling was that they were in danger, but as I continued
to watch their surefootedness, and the attention all the other
boaters were giving them, I realized they were safe and
enjoying themselves with a freedom that I envied. From these
events, I painted my current series, exploring how chance and
choice affects everyone’s place in the world. The chance of
where you are born and the choices you have as you grow.

Mixed Media on Birch Panel
8" x 10"

If you want to see more of my art, please check out my website

or make an appointment to visit me at my studio
Industrial Center Building Studio 330B
480 Gate 5 Road, Sausalito, CA
Please contact me at

Chance and Choice Part 2

My first day in India, I was in a bus, traveling through Delhi at
night and saw a small child begging by the side of the busy
street. At first appalled by the sight, by the time I reached
Varanasi and witnessed the morning and evening prayers on a
boat on the Ganges, I realized different cultures can not be
viewed using a concentric point of view.

Delhi Nights
Oil on Canvas
30" x 40"

If you want to see more of my art, please check out my website
or make an appointment to visit me at my studio
Industrial Center Building Studio 330B
480 Gate 5 Road, Sausalito, CA
Please contact me at

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Chance and Choice

The thoughts behind Chance and Choice

Two trips I took, Cambodia in 2010 and India in 2011, inspired the art that I made in 2011. I am currently working on a book, Chance and Choice, about these paintings.

The first in the series is One at a Time, oil on 4 canvases, each 8" x 10"

In Cambodia, I photographed two little girls in a small village that
didn’t have a school. While at home, looking at the photos, I
thought about how their lives could change if they had
education. But the choice wasn’t there for them, because of
the lack of a school. I painted One at a Time to symbolize the
that change is possible even if it’s only to help one person at a

If you want to see more of my art, please check out my website
or make an appointment to visit me at my studio
Industrial Center Building Studio 330B
480 Gate 5 Road, Sausalito, CA