Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Chance and Choice - Imprisoned

I have been using Photoshop as a composition tool for many of my latest works. Imprisoned was made using Photoshop as a design tool during the painting process.

I painted a 10" x 8" oil on canvas sketch about sexual slavery. My intention was to create a 5' x 4' painting of the sketch.

Because the 5' x 4' size was still intimidating me, I then took the lower right part of painting and did a version of it on a 30" x 24" canvas.

10" x 8" Oil on Canvas

As a painting, I felt this was too derivative of Gauguin. I also wanted to something bar like to give a feeling of imprisonment. So I took photos of trees in my yard and of the painting and put them together using layers in Photoshop.

I was happy with this image, so I painted tree trunks on the original 24" x 30" canvas.

The final piece:


23" x 30"
Oil on Canvas